Data Security

The information you share with and the data you transfer from source to destination is secured from any breaches, leaks, or unauthorized disclosures.

24K+ companies

entrusted us their data for integrating business apps

40M+ imports

successfully completed by our customers to manage their data

95% happiness

reported by the clients who contacted our support team

Is safe? ensures the highest level of security for your private information. Data transferred between your services and is protected using strong Transport Layer Security (TLS). Your data is stored as long as you have a account or until you choose to delete it.

Settings and credentials provided by users during integration setup are securely encrypted using the AES-256 encryption algorithm and are automatically removed once the user deletes the integration and the connected app's account. The bank card details that you share are transferred instantly to the service provider that is compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for further processing. implements a number of organizational and technical measures to be compliant with the global privacy regulations including GDPR. User’s consent is clearly distinguished in all areas of how can be used. applies different mechanisms for its integrations to ensure complete security and confidentiality of the data you provide and transfer. We force customers to use strong password rules to protect the information that you share with JWT, or JSON Web Token, is a basic standard we use to verify access to the account to share information between source and destination.

We also implement different measures to avoid unauthorized access to personal data and electronic communication systems, including MFA, or Multi-Factor Authentication, for the data sources that support this electronic authentication method. security, privacy, and GDPR compliance

Web app data security and access permissions

Data source permissions only requests the minimum read or view permissions to fetch the data from a source app. It won’t be able to edit, update, or remove any records there.

Data destination permissions needs view, create, and edit permissions for the destination app in order to write data, update data during data refresh, and create new sheets or tables.

Permission to delete does not use permission to delete any existing sheets or tables in the destination app. You can revoke access to your source and destination apps at any time.

Credentials and passwords

All logins, passwords, tokens, and other possible credentials are classified as critical data that is securely encrypted and protected from any unauthorized access.

Infrastructure and security awareness infrastructure is hosted on Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud. They comply with multiple security standards and certifications, including ISO/IEC 27001, HIPAA/HITECH, FedRAMP, GDPR, SOC 1, 2, and 3, and many others. data security rests on automated vulnerability checks of the system, application, and data access logs for any failovers or abnormal behavior. We also use the Heroku cloud provider and its EU-located database with automatic data backup and failover handling. team stays up to date with actual security measures and our role in keeping customer data safe. We have non-disclosure agreements signed between all our employees, and we can sign additional NDAs between and its customers by request.